Less than one month after burglarizing his friends home, Michael Smith was at it again…
Category: Blog
Michael Smith Burglarizes Home of Former Friend: Part One
Several years after violating his probation twice, following the shoplifting incident at The Buckle, Michael Smith is now out of prison. He mostly stays out of trouble, only racking up a couple of arrests during this time…
Michael Smith’s Second Felony: Part Two
After being caught shoplifting from The Buckle in April of 1999, Michael Smith was indicted by the Cuyahoga County Grand Jury on a charge of theft on May 10, 1999. He was arraigned on May 24, 1999. Michael Smith pled guilty to one count of theft on July 6, 1999, a fifth degree felony…
The Real Nordonia News’ First Blog, Michael Smith’s Second Felony
Welcome to the first post in therealnordonia.com blog! This post will highlight Michael Smith’s 2nd felony. Included in these posts will be real witness statements and other pages from the police investigation reports obtained by FOIA requests.