On July 27th, we revealed that Michael Smith had started his own Tim Ellis “smear page”. We have our first, and probably final, update.
On August 4th, just 8 days after the page’s creation, Michael Smith posted the following screenshot onto “The Nordonia News” page, in an attempt to show his followers that his PPP loan was forgiven (more on that later!) and not fraudulent.

There was only one problem. Smith forgot to crop his screenshot, and right at the bottom was proof that he was behind the “Never Ellis for Nordonia” page. This is not the first time Smith has done this, back in April he sent us an e-mail where he pretended to be someone else in an attempt to give us a “tip” saying that he had moved away to New York… but accidentally sent screenshots of himself logged into his own account! Let’s take a closer look:

How embarrassing! Group members immediately noticed and questioned him about it, and Smith made excuses.

Obviously very flustered by his blunder, Smith immediately goes into fight or flight mode. First he says he knows who is behind the Never Ellis page, then says he knows who is behind our page, and that “they’re just digging they’re [sic] own graves like puppets”… is that something puppets are known to do?
He talks about how he has tons of legal things in the works. We’re not sure if he was referring to our page, or the Never Ellis page – that he continued to pretend did not belong to him.
Still panicking, Smith decides to imply that the person who runs the Never Ellis page is actually Carmen Vitale, who is known to have a multitude of fake profiles. Vitale loves Ellis and is not shy about that fact. He would have no reason to make an anti-Ellis page.
Smith claims the person who runs the page sent him the screenshot. This didn’t make sense for a few reasons. Why would someone send him a screenshot of a conversation he was a part of, and had obviously already seen?
The other inconsistency in his story, is that Smith and the Never Ellis page didn’t necessarily get along any of the times they interacted publicly. The Never Ellis page said Smith is a “psycho”, and Smith would comment on their posts saying they had a fake profile. He would know best, since it was actually him…

We’re still not completely sure what the motive was for Smith to start the Never Ellis page. Sadly, he ruined it for himself in just 8 days, before he could even do what he was planning to do with it. Based on our observations and small hints he was dropping, our educated guess is that Smith’s original motive was to get his close friend Tim Ellis to join social media to defend himself, then he was planning to make it seem like current board member(s) or their supporters were behind the page.
Either way, we’re a bit sad that he outed himself so early in the game. Messing up is one thing we can always count on Michael Smith for, though.