If you follow any type of Nordonia page on Facebook, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen some very negative comments from Vickie Drazil. Known mostly for her hatred of Nordonia schools and their administration, Vickie can often be found on “The Nordonia News” page praising Michael Smith for doing the exact same things that she complains about in the following e-mail to the Board of Education and Superintendent.
Her email, sent earlier this week, was obtained via public records request. Take a look:
We are big fans of calling out hypocrisy here on therealnordonia.com, so let’s get into it!
For the last 18 months, Vickie has been an extremely vocal supporter of many of the same things that she complains about in this e-mail. Whether it be participating in the online smear campaign of school board candidates in 2021 (the same people she just begged for help!) – labeling them “cheaters” and “child abusers”, or supporting Michael Smith’s various attacks on administration, school staff and even private citizens. Vickie is quite possibly one of the biggest bullies there is.
Vickie has not only supported all of this, but has participated in plenty of her own personal attacks, up to and including wishing death on people. She got a huge kick out of the circus flyer that was found on staff members’ cars in 2021, and has since re-posted it several times. Why has this behavior been ok with her for so long, up until now? Could her hypocrisy and entitlement possibly be the reason? Maybe she’s embarrassed by the response to her post about teachers leaving the district. Whatever her reason is, we here at The Real Nordonia News can’t help but think this email isn’t going to help her be less embarrassed. The cognitive dissonance is shocking.
It’s interesting to note that she’s someone who always wants her rights respected but expects the board to institute a bouncer and attendance list to accommodate her needs while ignoring the rights of other community members.
Not to mention the legal aspects of turning away certain citizens from a public school board meeting because she doesn’t like them, we’re not quite sure what a sign-in sheet would accomplish. Does she expect citizens to sign in under their Facebook account names?
All school board meetings are live-streamed and available on YouTube to re-watch. We have yet to see anyone be mocked and we challenge Vickie to find any proof of that. This was a rumor started by former board member Tammy Strong after the September 2021 board meeting. Tammy claimed members of the audience heckled a child. This was later proven to be completely and entirely false once the video of the meeting came out. There was no heckling at any point.
Since we always come with receipts, please enjoy this compilation of screenshots filled with Vickie personally attacking the board members she subsequently asked for help, you’ll also see her attacking school employees, wishing death on people, and just being the overall joy that she is. Please be aware that these screenshots contain explicit language.
What a dolt!