JUST FOUR DAYS AGO Michael Smith of “The Nordonia News” said that requesting people’s public records to post online is “psychotic behavior”. Meanwhile he’s actively engaged in this behavior against many members of our community… for the last 18 months straight.

The fact that Michael Smith is trying to target the Robinson’s for one incident of domestic disturbance/noise complaint and trying to label it as a “crime” comparable to his extensive rap sheet is laughable. There was no conviction, there was no danger or crime, it was a rowdy game night that got out of hand. The incident with the Robinson’s was over 15 years ago, only involved the two of them, occurred in their private residence and has never been repeated. Smith’s entire life has been one long string of misdeeds resulting in jail time: burglary, robbery, theft, and hurting others.
His attempt to equate his ongoing criminal deeds to a domestic disturbance would be laughable if it wasn’t so hypocritical and transparent.
What’s the real impetus of his posting about the Robinson’s?
It’s naive to think that it’s because he cares about students. This is a personal vendetta against Ian for standing up to him, it’s about his hatred for anything and anyone who he sees as different. He’s calling Ian a racist because Mike Smith himself is a racist race baiter.
Smith knows that the incident with the Robinson’s does not compare to his issues, but in an effort to distract from his own hatred and racism he has to project that onto pillars of our community. And if he truly does believes that these incidents are equal, well then he’s even more ignorant than we’ve already given him credit for.
The fact that Ian and Shanices have built such an amazing and successful life for their family after learning from their singular incident with the law is something that Michael Smith will never know. He’s never learned from any of his multiple crimes. If he did, he wouldn’t be 43 years old, unemployed, sleeping on his mommy’s couch, and living off her charity.
If Michael Smith learned from any of his crimes, he might have been able to be like Shanices and Ian, who worked their way up to their goals. They’ve worked hard for everything they have, their home, vehicles, education, careers and large group of supportive friends. The only valuable things Michael Smith has ever owned, were things he stole- from “friends”. That’s embarrassing and shameful. The only thing Ian and Shanices have ever stolen from their friends is their respect and admiration.
Shanices volunteers her time to promote kindness and acceptance for ALL children in our district, no matter their beliefs. That is the essence of NDEIC.
What has Michael Smith done for his community, other than divide? He’ll tell you he “helped” get a board member elected. He won’t tell you that the board member would’ve been elected no matter what, since there were 3 board seats open. He might lie about donating a TV, too. Remember that there is no record of a tv being donated and no one remembers this. He might also mention the time he donated 13 jars of peanut butter.
Shanices and Ian have a son who graduated at the top of Nordonia’s 2021 class, who will enter his 3rd year of college as a senior despite only completing 2 years of college. Their daughter skipped a year of math and was chosen as manager of the middle school volleyball team because of her character. For people who he thinks shouldn’t be around children they sure produced two pretty amazing kids with great character and an amazing work ethic. Michael Smith wouldn’t know anything about having great character or an amazing work ethic. His entire life has been crime- it’s the one job he keeps going back to.
He’s going to keep up with the doxxing, exposing things on people he’s threatened by, but let’s remember that when a mistake is in your past and you’ve owned it and grown from it that it no longer holds power over you.
The lesson here is that we all have moments in our lives that we might not be proud of. When we use these moments as stepping stones on a journey of self improvement we master our mistakes and rise above. Sometimes we can even help others on their journey by talking about our less than flattering moments.